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Black Pepper Grilled Steak

Black Pepper Grilled Steak

25 mins to cook


Main ingredients

1 piece of sirloin steak

Supplementary ingredients

Black pepper sauce

Production Methods

Step 1: Marinate the sirloin steak with black pepper sauce for 20 minutes;

Step 2: Line the baking tray with tin foil, pour the steak, sauce and white wine into the baking tray;

Step 3: Preheat the oven to 180°C for 10 minutes, then put the steak into the steam oven, select the [Air Fry] function, 180°C, and the time is about 25 minutes.


Ciarra Nosh Oven | 8-in-1 Steam Oven with Air Fryer | Ashy Cloud
Ciarra Nosh Oven | 8-in-1 Steam Oven with Air Fryer | Ivory Mist

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